Student Success for Health Professionals Made Incredibly Easy

To reach their career goals, health professions students will travel through an obstacle course of classes, skills practice labs, and clinical rotations or externships. Student Success for Health Professionals Made Incredibly Easy is designed to help students through this process with practical study tips that will make them confident and successful students—as well as valuable members of the health professions team—by helping them understand the rules of the game and the skills and strategies they need to win it.

Student Success for Health Professionals Made Incredibly Easy uses the popular “Incredibly Easy” style to make learning enjoyable with a light hearted, humorous approach to presenting information. Hope, a health professions instructor, guides students through the book, offering helpful tips and insights. Along the way, she gets help from three health professions students: Amy, Anthony, and Leslie. Even when the tone is light, however, the concepts and tips are quite serious!




Situs resmi Jurusan Teknik Radiodiagnostik dan Radioterapi Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

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